Prospecting & Intelligence

Get the right data to get more business

LeadFyndr Prospecting tool typically include lead databases and analytics that enable users to segment and prioritise leads based on their profiles and buying behaviours.

Why LeadFyndr Prospecting Tool

Leadfyndr is an automated prospecting tool that helps businesses quickly and easily identify new leads, build lists, and target their ideal customer. The tool is an easytouse platform that leverages its robust database of contacts to search for and qualify potential leads quickly. It also offers a suite of features that allow businesses to refine their searches to find the best prospects for their product or service. Features include: segmentation, filtering, and scoring to prioritize prospects, as well as clean and enrich contact data. By utilizing Leadfyndr, businesses can save time, resources, and money, while still giving their sales team access to the best prospects.


We help you to enrich your any kind of data with our smart tools that you can run campaigns and start your business!

Extract Emails

Extract emails from Linkedin and other websites

Auto Connects & Visits

Search for the right profile you need and click to start automate to add

Shortcut Messages

Tired of copy and paste? try our shortcut tool to save your time

Start Generating Leads

IBM : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Loreal : Brand Short Description Type Here.
P&G : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Oracle : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Cisco : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Monster : Brand Short Description Type Here.

Follow over 300,000 businesses around the world using LeadFyndr on a daily basis

Ready to level up your sales?

LeadFyndr‘s provides marketing automation tools and access to a database of potential customers, with lead scoring, contact management and reporting.