Data Enrichment

Never miss any business opportunity

LeadFyndr quickly find emails of prospects and customers, add them to their contact lists. Additionally, LeadFyndr offers users the ability to segment and filter emails according to their specific needs.

Find B2B Contacts

Find B2B Companies

Find B2C Local Businesses

Find Domains from Names

Why LeadFyndr Data Enrichment

LeadFyndr is an AIpowered B2B contact database that helps you quickly find the right contact information for the decision makers in any organization. With LeadFyndr, you can easily search and filter through millions of contacts to find the perfect one for your sales and marketing campaigns. You can also use LeadFyndrs advanced search feature to find contacts by company, industry, job title, and more. LeadFyndr also offers a variety of other features, such as contact enrichment, lead management, and more. With LeadFyndr, you can quickly and easily find the contacts you need to reach your targets and close deals.


We help you to enrich your any kind of data with our smart tools that you can run campaigns and start your business!

Identifying target customers

LeadFyndr helps you identify your target prospects with their detailed profiling.

Data enrichment

You can enrich your customer data with LeadFyndrs data enrichment tools.

Lead generation

LeadFyndr helps you generate highquality leads for your business.

Lead scoring

LeadFyndr helps you score leads based on their demographic, technographic and firmographic data.

Analytics & Insights

LeadFyndr provides you with analytics and insights about your leads, allowing you to make better decisions.


LeadFyndr enables you to segment your leads into different categories, so you can target them more effectively.

Start Generating Leads

IBM : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Loreal : Brand Short Description Type Here.
P&G : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Oracle : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Cisco : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Monster : Brand Short Description Type Here.

Follow over 300,000 businesses around the world using LeadFyndr on a daily basis

Ready to level up your sales?

LeadFyndr‘s provides marketing automation tools and access to a database of potential customers, with lead scoring, contact management and reporting.