Reach your right decision buyer

Find accurate B2B companies and your Ideal customer profiles to sell more.

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Generate Leads in


Most popular brands used all over the world

For your Sales & Marketing teams

Enrichment of data

From new data to existing data, anything find quickly and accurately to enrich with extra information.

Email Finder

Upload the websites and extract emails and phone numbers from online pages, social media profiles and save them as Excel or CSV files. Send the data to your CRM or other software via Zapier.

Capture Leads with Chatbot

Collect information from your visitors to turn them into leads by Installing as many chatbots as you want to get as many leads. Create a scenario just for your chatbot.

Never miss any sales follow-up

Send emails with automatic follow-ups for your sales or newsletters.


Unlimited campaigns and senders


Warm-up function to improve deliverability


Picture modification tool, send customised images


Track Analytics of clicks, replies

Social Proof Widget

Show notifications across your website for your visitors, that will increase your sales and credibility.

Capture Data from Social Media

Extract emails and contacts from B2B social media, and generate new leads in one click and segment with lists by country, industry, size and job title.

Addon Tools

Find emails from first name, last name and company name
Daily registered domains with leads information
Online review management to get more online reviews

All-in-one Bundle

Finding the right prospect doesn’t need one tool to capture. You need all in one place where you can capture leads from all possible ways. We recommend our clients to take the full potential of LeadFyndr tool with unlimited access to see the best results.

Ready to get started?

Grow your business with the help of LeadFyndr the leading email finder tool! With LeadFyndr, you can quickly and easily find the emails of potential leads, so you can start building relationships and closing deals.